Thursday, December 26, 2019

Leadership, Management and Ethics - 1228 Words

Ethics Leadership and Ethical Decision-Making INTD670-1202B-01 Phase 1 DB 2 Leadership, Management, and Ethics Professor Cynthia Roundy CTU Deborah Lam May 21, 2012 As the new leader and compliance officer with ECG I want to go over and discuss how a leader and a manager are different, and a definition of what a leader is and what a manager is. This document will also cover the responsibilities and accountabilities are for a leader and how the new leader will impact ECG. A manager is someone who is in leads of a certain group of tasks, or a certain part of a company. They usually have workers who report to them, (Business, 2012). A leader is someone who influences a group of people†¦show more content†¦There are also differences between the two like: management is task-oriented and leadership is more inspirational and visionary. The definitions are different for both; however it is also possible for someone to work effectively in performing both fields, (Ricketts, n.d.). John Kotter stated that leadership is thought of as an old concept which has been around for centuries, and management is a new concept that has only bee n around the last one-hundred years, and all this change happened during the industrial revolution. The scientific methods can be divided into three approaches which are the trait era, the behavior era, and the contingency era. The trait era was dominant from 1880 to 1940 and it claimed that leaders possessed qualities that pressed them towards leadership roles. The behavior era was dominant from 1940 – 1970 and the benefit of this era or the trait era is that behaviors could be observed, measured and taught. These first two eras were similar. The contingency era started in 1960 and continues still today, (Leadership, and Ethical Decision-Making, 2012). Leadership and management overlap each other; when managers influence their employees to meet their goals, they are doing this under leadership. When leaders are involved in planning, organizing, staffing, or controlling they are doing this within management: even though there are differences between leadership and management, they may never be completelyShow MoreRelatedCombining Military Leadership With Civilian Management Work Ethics2575 Words   |  11 Pagesdo military trained personnel feel they have better work ethic than their civilian counterparts and vice versa? Peter D. Feaver (2001) fellow researcher of the international security program noted a statement by former Secretary of Defense William Cohen declared that a chasm is opening between the military and civilian worlds. Even though civilians have good work ethics, military personnel have the equally valuable yet different work ethics because of the training they received. A study, conductedRead MoreEthical Behavior Is Distinguishing And Performing One s Actions1490 Words   |  6 Pagesaccording to individuals, customs, morals and beliefs. 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019

The Students Language Learners ( Ells ) - 1641 Words

Within the past ten years, the number of English Language Learners (ELLs) has doubled. An increase of more than 2 million ELL students in the U.S schools, left professionals within the field of education with no choice but to face the challenge of understanding cultural differences. In addition to this, educators must understand how these differences affect students’ language development, learning style, academic achievement and most importantly, his or her performance on standardized tests. These differences must be understood, valued and respected by all service providers, especially those who are involved in the decision making process concerning the placement of students in special educational programs. (Roseberry-McKibbin, 2014). One approach that values ELLs’ cultural characteristics and differences is the use of efficacious and nonbiased standardized tests that are culturally and linguistically sensitive. In fact, the use of culturally and linguistically biased tests is specifically against the federal laws (Payne, 2010). Therefore, the testing process should include instruments and procedures that are sensitive only in differentiating a normal behavior from a pathological one. However, in the development of most of the available standardized tests, the samples tested did not include enough students from different cultural groups. This neglect causes the tests to be considered culturally biased and discriminatory, and they should not be used with multiculturalShow MoreRelatedBilingual Language Learners ( Ell ), And Students1202 Words   |  5 PagesIntroduction There are so many diverse student groups in the United States. Two that are really of interest to me are English language learners (ELL), and students in foster care. Though they have many similarities, they are also vastly different. A.1. Definition and Demographics ELL students are either students whose first language is not English or who were raised speaking another language in their home. ELL students made up about 9% of public school students in the United States during the 2014/2015Read MoreThe Academic Achievement Gaps Between Ell Students And Native English Language Learners1241 Words   |  5 PagesAccording to (),â€Å"English language learners face many obstacles when reading literature in English. Most literature is culture bound. We expect students to have prior knowledge of literary genres such as fairy tales, myths, legends, and tall tales. If the teacher has not activated prior knowledge or built background information, knowing the vocabulary will not solve the problem. ELLs may be able to read the words but it doesn t mean they will understand the text. They are not aware of informationRead MoreGeneral Education Classroom Teachers Are Responsible For Providing The Primary Instruction For English Language Learners1107 Words   |  5 Pagesfor English Language Learners (ELLs) development in English literacy skills (Thompson, 2004). Supplying ample resources to accommodate ELLs inside and outside of the classroom are essential as the number of ELL students has grown steadily. According to research, â€Å"one out of four of all children in the United States are from immigrant families, and in most cases these children speak a language other than English at home† (Samson Collins, 2012 p. 4). Further research suggests, â€Å"students from a non-EnglishRead MoreImplementing A Major Ell Program969 Words   |  4 Pages C.2. Implementing a Major ELL Program â€Å"Successful program models for promoting the academic achievement of language minority students are those that enable these students to develop academic skills while learning English. 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According to the National Center for Educational Statistics (2014), the percentage of public school students in the United States who were English language learners was higher in school year 2012–13 (9.2 percent, or an estimated 4.4 million students) than in 2002–03 (8.7 percent, or an estimated 4.1 million students)Read MoreEssay about Placing English Language Learners in Special Education1182 Words   |  5 PagesWhen do English language learners need to be placed in special education? In the United States, there has been an increase in in the number of children from Spanish speaking backgrounds. The English Language Learners, commonly known as ELL’s, are being placed in Special Education without being properly tested for a learning disability. However there are a large number of ELL’s with learning disabilities in elementary grades that truly have a learning disability and are over looked. 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How will the math achievement levels of third grade students who participate in a one-way simultaneous bi-literacy dual language immersion program compare to third grade English Language Learner students in a traditional ELL service model as measured

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Ethical Approaches of Apple and FBI †Free Assignment Sample

Question: This is a case study analysis which requires you to research the case and then critically apply and/or evaluate the application of theory in this situation. The assessment is focussed on the identification of the theory features application of the theory. Restating the theory or facts from the case does not meet the assessment grading criteria. Please refer to the assessment guidelines as shown in the PowerPoint slides. Answer: Introduction This particular paper is critically developed because of the significant refusal of Apple Inc. to the requests of police and military authorities of for unlocking the mobile phone of a suspected terrorist. This particular scenario involving the Apple and the federal agency of United States of America gives rise to the emergence of multiple ethical constraints within the modern day global environment. The particular action behind such a refusal made by Apple should need to be discussed to develop a proper understanding of the chosen context (Baggini, 2012). The scenario began with the individual practice of Apple back in 2014 when the company decided to introduce a unique and enhanced encryption protocol for different apps in its iPhone models. With the launch of the new encryption module in September 2014 and integrated into the particular operating system of its iPhone devices, it becomes almost impossible for the company to break into the information shared by its users upon the re quest of different investigators. The particular consequence of the identified situation is profoundly distinct from the past example, where investigators from various authoritative agencies can have the access to the devices designed and manufactured by the company if a proper search warrant is provided to the headquarter of Apple (Boatright, 2013). It is further observed that this sudden shift in a decision made by the corporation is based on addressing the increasing amount of responses related to the different concerns over the digital privacy and lack of trusts among the population about the various activities of the digital spies of America. The particular trend among the people emerged following the incident related to the significant disclosures from Edward Snowden, a former contractor for the National Security Agency (Bowie, 2013). Hence, it is necessary to examine and evaluate the indeed identified case for critically applying the theoretical application in accordance with the particular situation in the global environment. Critical Discussion Based on the information obtained from analysing an article as part of Blogmaverick, produced in February 2016, it can be determined that FBI instructed Apple to develop a particular version of iOS, which would allow the FBI to install the same version on the phone used by the terrorist. The primary intension of such instruction was to make use of the brute force method for pushing through all the password combinations associated with the phone until the iPhone gets unlocked (Bredeson, 2012). The principle objective behind such an instruction given the by the FBI is to search and examine any information that would assist them to investigate the horrific act of terrorism. Therefore, it can be observed that the increasing importance is provided to this particular ethical dilemma due to the alarming impact of raising terrorism affecting the global economy and national treasures of the leading countries. In this case, the refusal made by Apple is because the expected intension of FBI has no certainty of achieving a successful accomplishment if Apple complies with such an order (Collins, 2012). For an example, if the terrorist in possession with the particular phone uses a variety of numbers, letters, and symbols to (or intending to) constructing the password, it would take years to crack such pin for the official agencies to unlock the phone. Furthermore, there is no guarantee that the individual did not use a third party application, which does not have any additional encryption in case the agency is successful in terms of accessing the phone. Not necessarily, the third party apps or systems, the FBI can encounter with different apps designed by Apple (Crane Matten, 2012). These particular facts have led Apple to make such a decision to counter the request made by the FBI. By conducting an in-depth analysis, the result of the specific approach made by the company back in 2014 leads all the data in the Apples devices to become encrypted by default. Due to the encryption, the users will require a passcode to access the data stored on the instrument once it is locked, and the ten repeatedly failed attempt will automatically erase the particular information. Influenced by the Edward Snowden revelations, the appropriate decision to encrypt Apple makes the data for forming a proper response (Firth, 2012). The absolute strength of the encryption applied by Apple suggests that even the staffs of the company cannot have the access to the private data shared by its users as well. In this case, the theory related to the ethical dilemma can be observed critically. According to the statement made by Dave Lee of BBC, "Apple decided to enable encryption by default to avoid precisely this kind of ethical dilemma." Therefore, different ethical theories applying to the identified context should need to be elaborated with maintaining the proper discussion. Consequentialism Based on this particular theory, it rests on the development of actions depends on bringing ordinary consequences to the overall society by judging the majority of the context. It is expected that the substantial outcome of the activities followed by the company should need to bring positive implications to the overall community (Halbert Ingulli, 2012). The morality of the context is based on the specified portion of good and evil with the accordance to the perception of people regarding what is wrong, and what is right. Based on the definition of the society, the particular factors associated with the good or evil is developed. This particular fact leads to the ethical egoism stating that the actions engaged by a business should need to be formulated in a fashion to serve the best interest of the company in the long-running basis. Therefore, it can be critically analysed and determined that the consequentialism factor is adequately considered during the time of taking such a major decision in 2014 (Haukur Ingi Jo nasson. Ingason, 2013). It is observed that the particular decision made by the company serves the fundamental interest of the business for the long-term aspect. In the case of the personal egoism, the actions are defined according to the long run benefit of the individual or the business, where there is no mention about the reactions or responses of the other parties. Therefore, this particular theoretical application can also be found in the inevitable decision to form the encryption after the revelations of Edward Snowden. Apple Inc. does not consider it about the individual drawbacks would be faced by the investigative agencies of the sound level caused by the particular decision. Values Clarification The theory related to the values clarification or the philosophical relativism refers to the most valuable aspect is not developed by the belief of a certain individual, but it should need to be produced by evolving an awareness related to the feelings, values, and beliefs of the others (Jeffrey, 2013). Therefore, the particular definition of the theory suggests the consideration of the alternative models for shaping up the acting and thinking. Considering this particular acknowledgement, it can be determined that the individuals or the businesses gain their values by independently making their choices. On the other hand, it is also a major fact that the particular decisions affect the thinking of others. The certain scenario regarding the decision of Apple provided major influences to the police and military authorities of the country. Based on the specific discussion, it is ascertained that the businesses should need to be driven by their values, as these entities are always want to create values out of their products or services (Michalos, 2013). The organizations, in this case, should need to attempt to develop a proper clarification of the values by highly emphasising on their feelings related to the contemporary society as part of the business environment. The value clarification varies from one organization to another organization, which is dependent on the distinction of truths and beliefs. Therefore, the methodologies applied by multiple organization are also distinct from each other. The particular understanding leads Apple to take one of its vital decisions regarding the security modification in its iPhone products (Murdock Foster, 2012). The particular decision is based on providing values to the opinions of its users based on the appropriateness of actions safeguarding their personal data stored and sh ared with the device. Based on this particular analysis, it is reflected that Apple provides high value to its customers rather than the authoritative requests in order to promote the enhancement of its customer base and become the leader in its respective industry. Utilitarianism Based on the application of the utilitarianism concept, it emphasises on the development of a moral standard for the promotion of the best interest of the majority of the society in a long-running basis. In this situation, the factors concerned by everyone is described to provide the priority (Poruthiyil, 2013). Different experts are agreeing on the concepts of utilitarianism, simply defined as the utilitarianists, and provided importance to the intrinsic factors more precisely. These intrinsic factors are majorly observed to be happiness and pleasure. On the other hand, some other opinions suggest that power, beauty, or knowledge also serve mainly to the development of the intrinsic factors. The utilitarian action developed by an individual or business suggests the development of the action to the greatest ratio of good to the evil scenarios concerned with the particular environment of the firm. On the other hand, there is the involvement of the rule utilitarianism, which suggests t hat there is a specific utilitarian value in certain actions developed by the firm (Pride, Hughes, Kapoor, 2012). Based on this particular fact, the general rules are adopted and implemented within the context of driving the business to the specific direction. In the case of Apple Inc., the refusal to grant the request of the FBI suggests the utilitarian approach, as the firm takes the particular decision with the aim of providing greater utility to its users based on the maintenance of privacy and safety from the outside interference. This is the vital fact, which leads the significant approach of the company to be criticised by the administrative bodies of the global environment. Ethical Approaches of Apple and FBI The global technologic industry has experienced a major uproar over the incident related to the revelation of a series of court orders instructing Apple Inc. to come into the settlement with the FBI to assist their process of investigation. The FBI seeks the help of Apple in order to crack into the iPhone of the deceased San Bernardino shooters named Tashfeen Malik and Syed Rizwan Farook (Rothlin Haghirian, 2013). In a public letter towards its customers, the CEO, Tim Cook, on behalf of Apple Inc. denied any associated with the government for providing them the access to their encrypted system. On the other side, the FBI countered their particular request by stating that the petition is highly reasonable in terms of bringing justice to the victim due to the special act of terrorism. Therefore, the major question pertaining the core ethical dilemma arising out of the scenario is based on whether a company is liable to develop a mechanism for the law and enforcement authorities to pro vide them the needful assistance related to its design. Here, the assistance suggests any kind of compromise with the law and enforcement authority by the company related to the different security issues. By analysing the overall situation, it can be determined that such an incident gives rise to the significant amount of ethical dilemmas for the firms operating in the technology industry in the global as well as the national or regional environment (Shaw Barry, 2013). The customers and several important business relationships are highly affected due to the short-term impact of the scenario. On the other hand, the similar situation provokes the similar kind of demand from the government of other countries as well. The particular scene also depicts a long-term ethical dilemma by considering the efforts of the FBI. In this case, the efforts made by the FBI ultimately and ironically undermined the broader aims of the agency by insisting the company build their devices with maintaining the infiltrative design for accessing the critical data and information. Based on the overall investigation to this particular context, the precise incident between Apple and FBI is just the latest instance amongst the years-long battle between the privacy and security minded groups and the legal enforcement community (Tong, 2012). In the rise of technology in the modern day environment, the process of communication become increasingly and continuously digitalised leading the specified authorities to direct the industries for providing their assistance. The principal objective of such assistance is based on ensuring the establishment of the government backdoor for breaking the security technology. From the context of the technology industry, different companies and privacy activists vigorously opposed to kind of proposed government backdoor for safety and encryption technologies adopted in the related product designs. The involvement of different civil liability groups can be critically observed in this certain scenario. America Civil Liabilities Union (A CLU) and Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) safeguarded the particular right related to the privacy concern by stating the aspect as an incontrovertible (Zsolnai, 2013). Based on the analysis made by the computer scientist from the contemporary environment, it is pointed out that compromising with the law and enforcement authority or accepting the particular scheme by the government would cause the devastating security susceptibility for the wide range of users. This particular backdoor is also known as the golden keys, as the particular scheme will provide different facilities to the hackers around the world alongside the foreign governments to exploit the particular the particular information shared by the users. Therefore, the proper ethical response can be developed by judging the overall scenario (Pride, Hughes, Kapoor, 2012). It should need to make sure that there is no transaction between the security and privacy concerns of the vast amount of users, as the process will we aken the security interest of every single individual by weakening the encryption. Conclusion Based on the statement included in the letter produced by the CEO of Apple Inc., Mr Tim Cook, the company has provided whatever the legal resources and directions to the legal enforcement committee in the previous context as well as the current investigation. However, Cook refused when the FBI asked the companys engineers to design them a tool, which will allow their agents to bypass the security system included in the iPhone devices. By looking at the scenario, it can be determined by considering the statement of Cook that Apple also wants to bring justice for the victims of the horrendous act of terrorism just like the legislative authority (Haukur Ingi Jo nasson. Ingason, 2013). However, complying with such a request of the institutional agencies would subsequently lead the scenario to violate the trust of its consumers fundamentally. Therefore, it would cost any tech giant to experience the major ethical dilemma by publicly compromising the particular integrity of the devices . It is unlikely that such a request would be a one-time deal with the legislative authorities of the country despite the assurance provided by the FBI Director James Comey. However, considering the significant concerns over the generated precedents and vulnerabilities due to the individual action, the particular ethical approach adopted by Apple Inc. can be stated rightful and appropriate. References Baggini, J. (2012).Ethics. London: Quercus. Boatright, J.(2013). Ethics in finance. Bowie, N. (2013).Business ethics in the 21st Century. Dordrecht: Springer. Bredeson, D. (2012).Applied business ethics. Mason, Ohio: South-Western/Cengage Learning. Collins, D. (2012).Business ethics. Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley Sons. Crane, A. Matten, D. (2012).New directions in business ethics. Los Angeles: SAGE Publications. Firth, L. (2012).Ethics in business. Cambridge: Independence. Halbert, T. Ingulli, E. (2012).Law ethics in the business environment. Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning. Haukur Ingi Jo nasson., Ingason, H. (2013).Project ethics. Farnham, Surrey, England: Gower. Jeffrey, C. (2013).Research on professional responsibility and ethics in accounting. Bingley, U.K.: Emerald.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Internal Analysis of University of South Australia Essay Example

Internal Analysis of University of South Australia Essay The purpose of this report is to provide an internal analysis of the University of Australia, which is an organisation that operates in the Australian Transnational Education and Training Industry. In order to provide the analysis I have done the marketing mix using the 7Ps approach to describe the organisation. Then identified the strategy at business level using the 5 Question approach and explained how fuzzy the strategies were and how flexible the organisation is. Next I have done a SWOT analysis and identified the strategic capabilities of the organisation to explain what UniSA Is capable of and what strategies that needs to be focused on. Lastly to complete the analysis I have applied the balance scorecard method. From the analysis I have concluded to say that UniSA is doing well in the industry with high capabilities and the ability to grow more in the transnational level. The universities strategic alliances with many international organisations and the only university in Australia to have made an agreement with GradInternational for international job placements have attract many international students. Over all UniSA is strategically very well placed and is doing exceptionally well in the industry. Table of Contents Introduction4 Identifying and analyzing the existing strategy at Business Level5 SWOT Analysis6 Limitation of the SWOT analysis8 Analyzing UniSA’s current strategic capabilities using the 3 test We will write a custom essay sample on Internal Analysis of University of South Australia specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Internal Analysis of University of South Australia specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Internal Analysis of University of South Australia specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Approach 9 Applying the Marketing Mix12 The 7P’s of Services based Marketing Mix14 Key Stakeholders15 Measuring Organisation Performance16 Conclusion17 Reference List18 Introduction Transnational education is the provision of education to international students by Australian providers offshore. A university may have campuses in other countries or have agreements with universities from other countries to deliver their courses so that students overseas could finish their course in full or part of it without having to come to Australia at all. The university of South Australia (UniSA) is one of the leading transnational organisations in Australia (UniSA, 2011). The purpose of this report is to analyse the internal environment using marketing theories such as the marketing mix, identifying the existing strategies and doing a SWOT analysis to identify the strategic capabilities of UniSA. UniSA is the largest university in South Australia, with 36,156 students, 2396 staff and five campuses and an annual revenue exceeding $457 million (UniSA,2011). UniSA has partnerships and agreements with institutions and government bodies in over 30 countries while offering students in four countries, Hong Kong, Malaysia, China and Singapore the opportunity to complete a UniSA degree in their home country (UniSA International, 2011). UniSA international leads the University of South Australia’s International engagement through the direction and management of international relations, student recruitment and related services to foster a diverse university community (UniSA International, 2011). There are three regional teams that undertake marketing, recruitment, enquiries management, admissions and applicant assessment, and processing of applications for international students. The three Regions are: Region 1: South East Asia (Thailand, Myanmar, Indonesia, Vietnam, Lao and Cambodia), South Asia, the Pacific Nations, Africa and the Middle East Region 2  Ã‚  Ã‚   ? China, South East Asia (Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore and Malaysia) Region 3  Ã‚  Ã‚   ? Europe and the Americas, Japan and Korea, study abroad, and domestically based international students. The regional teams undertake marketing, recruitment, enquiries management, admissions and applicant assessment, and processing of applications for international students. Identifying and analyzing the existing strategy at Business Level Question| Determined Position| 1. Does the organization plan to grow? | According to the UniSA vision UniSA plans to grow in the future by being the leading contributor to Australia having the best education system in the world. According to the strategic plan UniSA wants to go into agreements with institutions in India, Sri Lanka and Singapore so that courses could be completed in those countries. UniSA seek to establish an innovative medical school that focuses on addressing the health needs of disadvantaged populations. UniSA also wants to create a university College that would assist more students to gain access to and succeed in our programs| 2. What services does it plan to produce? | UniSA offers over 500 courses that includes undergraduate, postgraduate and Research programs. It also plans to offer Diploma programs and more medical courses and research courses. UniSA will also continue to partner with oreign education providers in order to expand their transnational education offerings while planning to situate some of their campuses overseas. | 3. What customer and geographic markets does it plan to service? | Locally as one of the very few leading Universities in South Australia students in the state are focused uponInternationally mainly students in Hong Kong, Malaysia, China and SingaporeUniSA will continue to grow transnational by signing up new agreements internat ionally mainly focusing on South East Asia. | 4. What generic strategy does it plan to follow to position itself uniquely against competitors? | Creating world class research clusters and exciting research-intensive cultureBy working with high performance qualified staff and joining hands with prestigious partnersWorld brand recognition| 5. What position in the industry does it plan to hold in the future? | Vision : UniSA will be a leading contributor to Australia having the best higher education system in the worldMission: UniSA educates professionals and students to the highest standard| In order to start the internal analysis of UniSA I have identified the existing business strategy of the organisation by applying Hubbard’s five-question approach. There has been great emphasis in producing students with international and intercultural experience who can adapt to the ever-changing world and be recognized for their work internationally. However how they are going to achieve this is not very clear. In their strategic plan the main focus is on the students’ experience but the achievability and the measurability is questionable. Secondly they have focused on the transnational education providing it in more countries and planning to open up more campuses overseas. UniSA have taken the first and a big step in this by signing an agreement with IDP who is a large international education agent that liaise with overseas universities and students. Even though UniSA has made their strategic plan for 2020 and there are still more years to go the plan is not clear and very fuzzy. There goals are clear but how they plan to achieve is not very clear. Their plans are also long term and there is no explanation as to what they plan to achieve every five years. However having a fuzzy strategy makes an organisation flexible and the ability to adapt to the changing environment high. This could be beneficial in UniSA s case as a universities environment can constantly change. SWOT Analysis SWOT analysis is a strategic planning method introduced by Albert Humphrey in the 1960’s to evaluate the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats involved in an organisation. It involves specifying the objectives of the organisation and identifying the external and internal factors that are favorable and unfavorable to achieve that objective. Strengths * Research programs * Teaching assistance and training for the staff and lecturers * Global recognition| Weaknesses * Delay in introducing the new programs * Restructure in departments * Staffing departments | Opportunities * High student expectation * Government backing * Access to the global market * Diverse community| SO Strategies * UniSA delivers to the expectations of students and constant ly reviews their programs to make sure they are up to standards * Advertise and markets around the world saying that courses of UniSA is backed and quality approved by the government. Promote an encourage staff| WO Strategies * UniSA is making strategic alliances with other universities that will help setting up their medical school * UniSA is promoting international intellects to lecture and take part in teaching programs at UniSA * UniSA is appealing to the diverse community take part in activities together| Threats * Changing demographics in courses * Changing political environment in Australia and overseas * Emerging new niversities| ST Strategies * UniSA is updated on which courses are more popular and should be ready to deliver according to the demand * UniSA is stable and will be running their courses despite the government volatility in other countries| WT Strategies * UniSA is building campuses overseas * UniSA id hiring staff globally for their overseas and local campuses| Limitations of the SWOT analysis The SWOT framework emphasizes the elements of strength, weaknesses, opportunities and threats but provides no real guidance on how organisations can indentify these elements for themselves. Even though the SWOT analysis is flexible it is very vague. It does not specify how to distinguish a threat over opportunities. Another draw back of the SWOT analysis is the lack of detail because there are no justifications required for the classification of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities or threats. I have classified each element in the strategic plan in the SWOT analysis according to how I feel fit. This may not be the case for everyone. Also there is no prioritization in elements, which are another important fact that the SWOT analysis ignores. Analyzing UniSA’s current strategic capabilities using the 3 test Approach Strategy| Is it valuable to the customers? | Is it better than the capabilities of most competitors? | Is it difficult to initiate or replicate? | Outstanding learning outcomes and the quality and richness of the student experience| Yes students will find this valuable as experience is critical in University life. | Yes most universities does not consider this a priority| Yes managing and implementing programs and activities take time| World-class research clusters and exciting, research-intensive culture| Yes UniSA is the only university in SA that gives research such prominence. Yes most universities does not offer this| Yes as introducing research and setting up the culture requires setting up a whole new department. | Innovative solutions to social, economic, political and technological challenges| Yes students will appreciate the work done for the community and the country| To a certain extent| Yes this is easier through research. | Innovative and excellence in teaching| Yes as the students will be happy to know that they are taught by and from the best| To a certain extent| No however will take time. Any university can initiate this as this just requires hiring the right staff. Even though it is possible it will take time. | Working well with the uni’s high-performing staff and prestigious national and international partners| A good relationship with the staff and the partners will be beneficial to the students as they will have better opportunities when the stake holders are happy| Yes| Yes forming relationships and maintaining is not that easy. Ability and adaptability in building and maintaining productive partnerships with industry, business and the community| Yes as adaptability according to stake holders will bring great opportunities to the students and the university| Yes as most universities does not give attention to these details| Yes forming relationships and maintaining is not that easy. Most universities are not flexible at all. Considerable and creative contribution to the prosperity and well-being of the nation| Yes everyone likes to think that they are hel ping the betterment of life in their country| Yes| Yes initiating it wouldn’t be that hard but to actually practice it will not be easy| Improving and expanding transnational education| This will make UniSA a more popular university globally and students will be happy to be recognized globally| Yes most competitors do not offer transnational education| Yes most universities do not have the capabilities and the resources to offer transnational education| From the above table we can see that all strategies do have value and most of them are superior to the ones of the competitors. UniSA has chosen its strategies smartly. This was done in 2008 as a review of the mission and vision statements and all information was taken from a report printed called Horizon. This report explains how these strategies were chosen after consultation with stakeholders of the university and according to the capacity and the capability. As a university with years of experience in excellence UniSA has the capability and the resources to make processors perfect. UniSA also has a big advantage due to the prestigious research programs that it offers. This gives UniSA a strategic advantage over many universities. The highly qualified and experienced staff and support team is an asset that UniSA boasts of through out the years. By years of implementing and experimenting activities and curricula’s now UniSA has the ability to provide its students a unique multicultural and innovative experience in university. As far as capabilities are concerned improving and expanding transnational education will be difficult for the university at the moment. UniSA is already introducing major courses such as medicine within the next year and most of the resources and focus has been on that. Even though these strategies are on hold temporarily it will be given attention soon as all these strategies are expected to be achieved in 2020 giving UniSA ample time. Appling the Marketing Mix The marketing mix is a set of marketing rules that are controllable that institutions use to produce the response it wants from various target markets (Ivy, 2008). It consists of everything that the university can do to influence the demand for the service that it offers. Tangible products usually uses a $P’s model, the services sector on the other hand uses a 7P’s approach in order to satisfy the needs of the service provider’s customers. Theses are product, price, Place, Promotion, People, Physical fasciitis and Processers (Ivy 2008). In the case of UniSA what is being sold is education while the customer are the students. Product| Price| Place | Promotion| People| Physical| Processors| Courses delivered in Australia on campusCourses delivered offshore off campusCourses delivered through the Open University, OnlineOne of the best and renown universities for its Research Expertise| Domestic full paying studentsGovernment subsidized domestic studentsInternational onshore and offshore full paying studentsScholarships for Domestic and International studentsConsulting fees for research students| 5 Campuses in Australia4 Campuses OverseasOnline EnrolmentSigned up with IDP who recruits students from over 40 countries| Is an innovative outward looking university with more than a century’s experienceOffers world class scholarships that meets the needs of the global community and solves real world problemsOver 500 courses available globally Multi cultural environment with support systems available| Well-experienced and highly qualified staff and executive board. Multicultural staffing boardTrained staff available to handle international studentsPeer monitoring programsLanguage assistance programs. | Campuses overseas and locallyEach campus with distinctive profiles offering modern and sophisticated facilities. Campuses located amidst cultural and educational precinct. All campuses are clean, safe and close to transport hubs| SO9001:2000 accredited organisationAQTF amp; AUQA compliantESOS compliant onshore and offshoreIn-house internal audit ensuring continuous improvement| The 7P’s of Services based marketing mix Key Stakeholders Stakeholders| What to do the stakeholders want from their involvement? | How consistent are the values and attitudes of the stakeholder with UniSA? Students| * Good education * Good university experience * Globally accepted qualification| Inconsistent – * Markets change * Demographics change * Students ideas and needs change| Employees| * Rewarding career * Fair pay * Good working environment| Consiste nt * There could be slight changes like the attitudes towards work but employee needs are mostly consistent| Governments| * High quality education provided to the students * High standards and results to stipulate funding| Variable * Due to political changes * Due to policy changes * Educational needs * Results| Overseas partners| * Economic benefit * Recognition| Consistent * Because what ever changes happen overseas partners would still expect the same from UniSA. | Stakeholder satisfaction is critical for successful organisations in a hypercompetitive environment (D’Aveni,2004). In order to complete the internal environment analysis it is important for UniSA to identify its main stakeholders. They are students and their families, employees, governments and overseas partners. Each stakeholder has different interests and different degrees of involvement in UniSA. Measuring Organisation performance I found very little information of UniSA performance to compare with the industry information. I have used the balanced scorecard method (BSM) with the available information. BSM ok Kaplan and Norton is a strategic approach and performance management system that enables organisations to translate a company’s vision and strategy into implementation working from 4 perspectives. 1. Financial Perspective 2. Customer perspective 3. Business process perspective 4. Financial Perspective Financially stable Achieves targets and is profitable Government funding Learning and growth perspective Learning and growth Business Process Perspective Vision And Strategy Maintain quality of programs delivered Make sure that the highest technology is available Perspective Add value by maintaining standards Expand the university capacity. Making sure to be successful In projects Customer Perspective Produce successful Graduates Provide support systems to students and staff The balance scorecard method requires four questions to be answered. They are: 1. How do we look to our stakeholders? From the above stakeholder analysis we can see the relationship between UniSA and its stakeholders and their expectations. 2. How do customers see us? Even though I have not done enough research on what students think of the university, the 56% increase in enrolments in courses and the constant expansion of the university tells us that UniSA has a good reputation built up over the years 3. What must we excel in? University has identified five corporate priorities that they believe that there is till room for improvement * Research education * Transnational education * Productivity and the work load of staff Costing and profitability analysis 4. Can we continue to improve and create value? I believe that UniSA can continue to do this as according to the 2009 annual report UniSA have exceeded the expectations of many with their constant growth and exceptional performance. They have met most of their strategies and made new ones to continue their succ ess Conclusion From the analysis in this report we can see that UniSA is a successful university in Australia with well defines strategies that are practiced and taken action on. There are areas that could be improved such as explanations and plans explaining how they can achieve their plans short term and on the long run. However over all we UniSA is strategically well positioned and is maintaining their standards while keeping its stakeholders happy and delivering to government requirements. Reference List IBISWorld (2011, April 18). University and other Higher Education in Australia (N8431). Retrived from IBISWorld database. Ivy,J. (2008). A new higher education marketing mix. International Journal of Educational Management,22(4)288-299. Doi 10. 1108/09513540810875635 Kaplan,R, amp; Norton,D. (2011). Balanced Scorecard Method. Retrieved April 28, 2011, from http://www. valuebasedmanagement. net/methods_balancedscorecard. html Parsons. A, (2008) How important are Stakeholder Relationships. Retrieved May 1 , 2011, from http://www. albany. edu/~pm157/research/stakeholders. pdf University of South Australia (2002, September) From the Vice Chamcellor :UniSA News Retrieved April 28, 2011, from http://www. unisa. edu. au/unisanews/archive/2002/unisanews_sept02_main. pdf UniSA (2011) Transnational partners Retrieved May 1 , 2011, from http://www. unisa. edu. au/partner/transnational/default. asp UniSA (2011) Marketing Positioning Retrieved May 1 , 2011, from http://www. unisa. edu. au/intagent/marketing/positioning. asp UniSA (2011) Ambitions, Strategic directions, Plans and commitments Retrieved May 1 , 2011, from http://www. unisa. edu. au/about/intro/strategies. asp UniSA (2011) Horizons 2020, Retrieved May 1 , 2011, from http://www. unisa. edu. au/horizon2020/default. asp

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

American politics essays

American politics essays The United States is as we all know a very diverse nation. People from all walks of life come to America in hopes for a better life. The government is then looked to, to provide that better life for the American citizen. We have the right as free citizens to put who we want into office. Although the government is faced with many important decisions, we turn to them to make the right ones. The dimensions used in the political gauges are similar for all four of the quizzes. On the first quiz your answers could fit into a liberals, a moderates, or a conservatives point of view. The second quiz was much more in depth and at the end we were presented with a grid. The red dot told us where we stand. We could be social economic libertarian or social economic authoritarian. The third quiz was very short it only concerned common personal and economic issues. Your score was mapped out on a diamond with one of the five following results: libertarian, left-liberal, centrist, right conservative, or statist. The fourth quiz scored your answers much like the second one. Except this time you could be a fiscal/non-fiscal liberal/conservative. In general, I believe they measure not only a persons political stand, but could also reflect the persons personality as well. The things that we are taught in life often shape our political views. We can take this information along with our own thoughts and decide on our political preference. All four of the tests I took measured me almost the same. I am proud of my views and where I stand. I believe the second quiz provided the best non-biased measure, because it was the longest and the most in depth. There were 5 choices you could pick from, so you got the most accurate scored. Unfortunately, other quizzes lacked the selection of answers. I could tell when I was taking the test that I would have a pretty good idea of how they would define me. My ...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Tulving and Pearlstone Essay Example

Tulving and Pearlstone Essay Example Tulving and Pearlstone Paper Tulving and Pearlstone Paper Essay Topic: The Pearl These results show a clear difference in the number of words recalled between participants using free and cued recall. The mean score has a difference of 19. 3. This is a large difference and shows a considerable insight to the input cues have on the recovery of information from the memory. It accepts the encoding-specificity principle by Tulving and Thompson (1973). It also accepts the experimental hypothesis; the participants given retrieval cues did recall more words from the list than participant using free recall. These results reflect those gained from the study by Tulving and Pearlstone (1966) (Calculations in appendix) Discussion The results show that a person will remember more words when an appropriate cue is available as shown in the graph thus accepting the experimental hypothesis. The participants using cued recall received a mean average of 36. 5 words recalled. The range from 22-43 whilst the participants using free recall received a mean average of 17. 2 words recalled, with the range from 13-21. This shows that anomalies have not affected the result. One way in which the experiment was limited and could have been affected by is the environment it was conducted in and the participants used. The participants were all Exeter College students and have chosen to further their education, their brain is still being trained so may be more susceptible to remembering information. Many students are often asked to take part in experiments so may have been using demand characteristics, which means they might have known the study is about retrieval failure and might already have known the study that was being partially replicated. Knowing this the participants would have known how to react. If this experiment were to be conducted using members of the public the results may have been different but the outcome would be the same. This is because results from the Tulving and Pearlstone study suggests this but also anyone given cues are likely to recall more information than if they are not given cues. A way to improve this study would be to conduct it in a controlled environment, free of any distractions so that the participants were concentrating solely on the experiment. This experiment was conducted using opportunity sampling, often in busy locations. This could have affected the results by diverting the participants concentration and other information would have prevented the participant from rehearsing the words. As future research one suggestion would be to concentrate on whether there was a pattern relating to the participants sex and the score they gained. To conclude, the results show that the recall of information is greatly improved when retrieval cues are available, a significant difference in the amount of words is visible. This agrees with the results gained from the investigation by Tulving and Pearlstone (1966). This study provides evidence that the free recall group knew more than they could recall, this can be stated as both groups experienced the same conditions during the learning phase and yet the cued recall group could recall far more words.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Net Present Value Model (NPV) Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Net Present Value Model (NPV) - Coursework Example A con of this method is that the numerical values can sometimes lead to erroneous decisions (Arya & Fellingham & Glover, 1998). The IRR is the rate of return a firm expects to earn if a project is accepted. Similarly to NPV an advantage of this method is that it takes into consideration time value of money. The biggest con of the method is that it is more difficult to calculate. A lot of companies prefer to use the internal rate of return method because this method quantifies the potential earnings of a project in the form of a numerical rate. The calculation of IRR is similar to finding the yield to maturity of a bond (Besley & Brigham, 2000). A project manager can know how much extra income a firm can obtain from a project. The capital budgeting evaluation technique that I prefer is net present value. This technique allows a manager to select the best project among several options. The project selected should be the one with the highest NPV value. Another reason that I prefer NPV over other capital budgeting techniques is because it is the best method to accomplish the goal of maximizing shareholder’s wealth (Besley, et al. 2000). Arya, A., Fellingham, J., Glover, J. (1998). Capital Budgeting: Some Exceptions to the Net Present Value Rule. Issues in Accounting, 13(3). p.499-508. Retrieved April 3, 2014 from

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Communication, Culture and context Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Communication, Culture and context - Essay Example support the essay. Definition of Terms Globalization has been defined by Mazrui (2001) as consisting of systems and operating processes aiming to ultimately be interrelated with global protocols on a continuously growing exchange of transactions among diverse countries and regions (p. 1). On the other hand, Landay (2008) averred that â€Å"virtual commodification is a process of transforming experience, ideas, and ideas about the self into the quantifiable products of inworld consumer culture, and placing those products in a social context in which people define things in terms of themselves, and themselves in terms of things, i.e., that â€Å"self† is created and understood through the goods and appearance of the goods people consume† (p. 4). From the qualification of terms, commodification becomes global in perspectives in so far as a product, service, artifact, image, or idea is turned into a commodity. To expound on the concept in a global context, one opted to sele ct a social networking game that became famous through Facebook, FarmVille. FarmVille A social networking game that was developed by Zynga, a social game developer located originally in San Francisco, California, became a global phenomenon – FarmVille. According to its official site, â€Å"Zynga is committed to transforming the world through virtual social goods. Zynga players have made real change by raising millions for several international nonprofits since launched in October 2009† (Zynga: What, 2010, par. 1). Zynga was founded by Mark Pincus in January of 2007 with the mission of connecting people though social games (Zynga: About, 2011). FarmVille is just one among 18 games accessible through Facebook. A prospective player needs to have a Facebook account to be able to play any of the games developed by Zynga. Other social networking games by Zynga are accessible through other social networking sites such as MySpace, Mobile and Yahoo (Zynga: Games, 2011 ). As proffered by Helft (2010), the mechanics for the social game is explained as follows: in FarmVille, its most popular game, players tend to virtual farms, planting and harvesting crops, and turning little plots of land into ever more sophisticated or idyllic cyberfarms. Good farmers — those who don’t let crops wither — earn virtual currency they can use for things like more seed or farm animals and equipment. But players can also buy those goods with credit cards, PayPal accounts or Facebook’s new payment system, called Credits. A pink tractor, a FarmVille favorite, costs about $3.50, and fuel to power it is 60 cents. A Breton horse can be had for $4.40, and four chickens for $5.60. The sums are small, but add up quickly

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Physical and intellectual competence Essay Example for Free

Physical and intellectual competence Essay I will provide indoor activities like crawling, dancing, jumping, walking on a balance beam to promote the childs gross motor skills. Children in my class love to play freeze dance, this is a fun game and promotes listening skills. For outdoor activities, our center has a playground with jungle gym equipment for climbing, running and sliding. The large sand pit allows for shoveling sand from one bucket to another and a place to build roads for the tractors. My activities for developing fine motor skills are cutting with scissors in combination with sequencing events in order. For example, four squares sequenced on how to plant and grow a plant. Daily, we will work daily on writing their names, learning the letters that are in their names, and holding the pencil correctly. I encourage my students that being ready for kindergarten is being responsible for their own belongings. This is a time in life where children are used to their parents doing everything for them and my job is to widen that gap so they feel good about doing things for themselves. For my children with special needs these goals do not change, although they may need a little more encouragement and time. Cognitive To promote cognitive development, I will provide activities and materials to develop childrens curiosity, problem solving and reasoning skills. I will provide a time in our daily schedule for exploring our manipulative cabinet where there are puzzles, magnets, gears, colored counting cubes and blocks. When reading stories I will ask open-ended questions and allow time for discussion. During circle time we will sing many fun songs about the letters of the alphabet and days of the week. Every other week we go to the library and have the librarian read to us. For the child with special needs I will have pencil holders and give extra time to complete their projects. Communication For preschoolers communication is a vital part of their life. My goal is to ensure they talk to one another when they are in conflict and to problem solve with verbal communication. I will encourage children to talk about their feelings and that it is okay to feel that emotion. I will model how to express feelings without hitting, kicking, or pushing and encourage children to communicate before their feeling escalate. For the children who have special needs, I will provide a schedule or picture schedule so they know what is happening next. I will also have a feelings book or poster they can use to help communicate in case they are unable to verbally communicate effectively. Creative I will encourage creativity by making time for free art. Recycled materials and art supplies will be made available for children to create with. Self I will be a positive, encouraging, happy teacher. I will make school a safe, fun place where children can learn new skills. Social My goal is to have children play together and learn to solve problems without intervening and encourage them to talk and express themselves without physical conflict happening.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Animals Save Lives :: Essays Papers

Animals Save Lives Suppose a family member was suffering from a disease and the doctor announced that thanks to animal research they are coming close to finding a cure. Would it then be acceptable to experiment new drugs and treatments on animals, even if it meant death for the animal? This is a controversial issue, which has many divided as to whether animal testing is a good or bad thing. The vast majority of animal research is; however, devoted to finding curse for human disease. Obviously, in animal research the animals are subjected to many tests, which may cause pain and even have long lasting negative effects. Moreover, animal research is vital to the medical field. Through animal research many cures for humans have been discovered. Animal research became widespread in the late 1800’s and has continued up into today (RDS). Because of this research dozens of vaccines and antibiotics have been discovered and new advancements such as open-heart surgery have been perfected. Animals are used in research and testing when it is necessary to see what happens in the whole living body, where the use of human subjects would not be ethically acceptable (Biomedical Models). Most often animal research is very important in discovering new treatments for diseases and cannot be replaced by computer generated models. One of the best-known medical discoveries is that of insulin, which saves almost 500,000 American, lives each year (Chang). Many more discoveries have been made thanks to animal research and testing. There have also been many breakthroughs and advancements within the psychology field, because of animal research. Psychologists do research on animals in this field to study the animal’s behavior and central nervous system. Through understanding how the nervous system works doctors can then begin to understand more about the complex behaviors humans may exhibit (APA). According the American Psychological Association, â€Å"Animal research has been the major contributor to the knowledge of the basic learning processes and motivational systems, such as hunger, thirst, and reproduction. Also animal research has provided critical information about the sensory processes of vision, taste, hearing, and pain perception.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Create a Marketing Mix for Frozen Pizzas Essay

a) Identify the marketing goals and objectives. i) Establish a stable customer base. The first goal we hope to achieve would be that we obtain a stable customer base large enough to provide its own funding and also provide funds for other new products. We are also looking to experimenting with new products to increase our variety with this customer base. ii) Periodically improve products and change appearance. Secondly, we hope that we would be able to improve our product’s appearance, taste, value, etc periodically so that the established customer base does not lose interest in the product. This will be assisted by attaching customer review slips inside our products encouraging customers to fill in a feedback form. iii) Achieve annual growth rate of 5% in sales every year. As new products will be introduced from time to time, we are aiming to achieve an increase of 5% in sales annually. With new products going to be introduced, we hope to also increase the profit iv) To become the market leader in local markets. We are also targeting to be the leading producer and product for frozen pizza locally. We believe by constantly increasing our variety of our frozen pizzas which are high in demand, we will be able to dominate local markets for frozen pizzas. b) Identify and analyse target markets for these two products. Identifying and analysing target markets before marketing a new product is an important step which organisations much take before marketing their product. It is important that an organization first acknowledge the suitable markets to market their product to, then collect and analyse the data about the markets. This will enable the organisation to choose a more suitable target market and obtain optimum amount of benefits. The largest segment of the markets would be the demographic segment. The demographic segment consists of personal details such as age, gender, income, education and so on. Based on the age segments, we have learnt that frozen pizza is mostly bought by teenagers and young adults. We have also learnt that frozen pizza is mostly bought by college students, university students and single working adults. Besides that, there is also the psychographic segment. This segment consists of personality, social class, lifestyle and so on. We have learnt that people who are less conscious about their weight and health, are more likely to buy frozen pizza. Urban youth and young adults are also more likely to buy frozen pizza. This is probably because when in a metropolitan area, life moves faster and buying frozen pizza reduces times spent on preparing food greatly, making more time for other activities. Lastly would be the behavioural segment. This segment consists of variables such as occasions, user status, user rate and so on. We have learnt that frozen pizza is a common sight when attending house parties and impromptu parties or gatherings. One of the reasons frozen pizza is a favourite is because it is easy to serve food to a large amount of people without having to go through a lengthy process of preparing food. As a conclusion, from this analysis, when marketing our two new products, we would be able to develop more specific strategies to suit the needs of the customer and obtain the highest amount of profit. c) Develop appropriate marketing mix strategy. Marketing according to marketers is defined as putting the right product in the right place, at the right price, at the right time. When marketing a product, marketers use the 4P’s for their product before marketing it to avoid making mistakes when planning marketing strategies for the product. The 4Ps of the marketing mix consists of, Product, Price, Place and Promotion. This will help Pizza Pan to be able to suit the needs of the customers better. The first ‘P’ of the 4Ps of the marketing mix would be Product. The product would be Pizza Pan’s new product, Jumbo, Topping-Plus Frozen Pizza. Customers will choose this product when wanting to have a satisfying meal on the go or provide a meal for a large group with a short preparation time. Customers will be consuming this product in their homes and even at parties. This frozen pizza will come in a box with an eye-catching design which will be microwave-friendly so that customers will have a choice of microwaving their frozen pizza from the box or putting it in an oven. This pizza will be 14† in diameter and called the Pizza Pan Frozen Jumbo. This pizza will specialise in its size and generous toppings. This Frozen Pizza will be able to provide the customer with the highest amount of satisfaction in both taste and value for money. The next ‘P’ in the 4Ps would be Place. This product will be places at general grocery outlets in shopping malls and also in urban areas. Customers will be able to locate it in the frozen goods section of grocery stores. We will be distributing and selling our product directly to grocery stores at first to optimise profit. We will also be setting up booths to promote our new product along with samples and coupons for shoppers in the grocery store to attract them to buy this product, this should enable us to obtain the targeted customer base faster. The third ‘P’ in the 4Ps represents Price. As we are focusing on size in this product, our product will have to be the same or less price as our competitor’s but present a larger amount. As there are quite a few other companies selling frozen pizzas, price wars have been neck-to-neck. Instead of being the cheapest in price, we will be pricing our pizza such that it is in-between our competitor’s prices so that customers will not judge our product for being too cheap and associating our product with low quality or associating our product with being too overpriced. Lastly would be Promotion. We are hoping to promote our product in television, radio, cinema and billboard advertisements as soon as 2 days after our product launch. We will also have our promotional booths around shopping malls to invite shoppers to try our product and also hand out coupons to further persuade them to buy our product. We are hoping to launch somewhere during summer as people are busiest and house parties are most frequent during these times. In addition, less people are conscious about their weight during this time and have already forgotten about their new year’s resolutions. We hope that we are able to cater the needs of customers better when using this mix. This marketing mix will also be changed periodically to further cater to the needs of customers and increase customer satisfaction, and increase profit margins. d) Develop an appropriate competitive marketing strategy. When releasing a new product into a market with existing competitors, marketers have to use a different approach when marketing their product. Usually taking the wrong approach, new products trying to compete with older products with an established customer base is not easy. Marketers will have to resort to using a different approach than the usual approach. Some of the other brands that Pizza Pan’s largest competitors when entering the market would be U.S Pizza, Dominos Pizza and Pizza Hut. These Pizza companies have already established their customer base and a large variety of choices. However, since only being the three largest pizza producers, they take advantage of customers by increasing their prices to much more than what their pizzas are worth. Pizza Pan can take advantage of this by providing customers with an alternative which has more value for money. However, Pizza Pan must be careful to not put a price which is too low, for customers have a tendency for choosing a product which is more expensive, relating its price with quality.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Cold Mountain Odell story Essay

What do you find interesting about the way in which Frazier presents Inman and Veasey’s encounter with Junior? Frazier presents Inman and Veasey, who encountered Junior, is an interesting one because we at first see Junior as a man who is loyal and caring, however at further dissection we see him as a cruel, manipulative and calculating man, who is the source of all evil, because this novel is about evil. Frazier uses languages to describe Junior, he is described as a: â€Å"Great bush burnsides fuzzed out to his jawbone peered from under the brim’s shadow with dark eyes, the lids swollen and hooded as a raptor’s.† This gives an image of a man who is quite â€Å"old†, however the words such as: â€Å"shadow†¦dark eyes† suggest to me that he is the meaning of true evil, and that Inman and Veasey shall be in danger if they stay with him. Later on the novel, when Inman and Veasey go to Junior’s house, Frazier uses animal symbolism such as â€Å"cocks†¦three legged, patchy-haired dog.† Which brings that this world is not a pleasant one, and evil roams everywhere, also that this world is not safe at all. Frazier makes us the audience despise Junior because when the â€Å"dog† is kicked and is thought to be dead, he tell us that: â€Å"I don’t give a shit one way or the other.† Frazier makes distance away from him, and proves that evil has no heart. Frazier uses the theme of food, between the encounter with Junior, Veasey and Inman, we are told that food â€Å"smell of rank meat cooking.† This suggests that the food and smell is horrible and this tells us that Junior is the same, that he is cruel. Frazier presents to us to one of the biggest themes which is evil and Junior is the source of all evil, Frazier cleverly distances us away from Junior, because when Inman asks that little girl’s name, and she tells him it is â€Å"Lula† however, he forces her to use the name â€Å"Chastity† which is a virtue showing us that she is pure. He describes Lula mother as a â€Å"cathouse†, which is another symbol, which is used to represent that she is a whore, because she has sex with other men. Which makes sympathise with her, because the mother and daughter are not well treated compared to Inman and Veasey. However, Frazier uses a subtheme manipulation, because Junior is showing the kindness and hospitality towards Inman and Veasey, because they are being tricked into being sold to the â€Å"homeguard†, because they want to take the â€Å"outliers† and that he gets â€Å"five dollars.† This shows the cruelty of Junior. Frazier uses another theme, stars, when Inman is outside, the â€Å"light† is missing and that the stars are not there, which suggests that an omen is coming soon, this is true because it reflects on Inman and Veasey, who will be betrayed by Junior and that one of them shall die. â€Å"The light was thin† and it â€Å"was unmarked by stars.† Frazier presents the house as not a normal house, but a house where everything has gone wrong, because he uses language to make it seem strange, like the â€Å"doughboys.† They move in circles, with no emotion, making them emotionless, also they show no kind of communication, and they don’t think at all, which tells me that they are lifeless, they are only bodies with no soul, or emotions, because evil (Junior) has tainted them and took their souls away. This might happen to Veasey and Inman, if they stayed too long. Frazier uses another subtheme, instinct, you need it to survive in that house, because when Inman enters, his â€Å"feet were about to slide out from under him.† This is warning him, that you must leave this place, or else suffer from what is coming. The house is presented as a â€Å"dark†¦vast warren†¦mazy into many tiny rooms with doors on each wall in ways that defied logic.† This tells us that you have a small chance of escape and survival now, if you do not rely on your instincts. Soon, Frazier reveals the evil in Junior, and he shows the subthemes of trickery and manipulation because he tricked them into staying in his house and he manipulated them to make his life easier. He tells them that â€Å"You’re not the first one I’ve snared in here†¦I get five dollars a head for every outlier.† This tells me the treachery and intelligence that Junior has and how he uses these to his advantage. To conclude, the meeting of Junior shows that you have to rely on your instincts, because you are close to meeting the true source of evil, also you have to be alert, in case he tries to betray you. Frazier is also telling us that you cannot get rid of evil because it is in everyone’s hearts. To prevent it making it too powerful, you need to balance it with good, to make it neutral. The good guys are Inman and Veasey, while the bad guy is Junior, They balanced each other out, and when the stars were gone, they represented the light, but they were overthrown by the darkness, Junior’s tainted heart.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Research Methodology And Statistics Psychology Essay Example

Research Methodology And Statistics Psychology Essay Example Research Methodology And Statistics Psychology Essay Research Methodology And Statistics Psychology Essay Research work involves roll uping and analysing information and this type of work involves the employment of assorted techniques to carry through and compose a good paper or coming up with the appropriate research consequences ( Black, 1999 ) . Research helps people in general to do enlightening determinations in their assorted capacities or caliber in the society. In doing proper determinations in the twenty-four hours to twenty-four hours life we do this through acquiring information from wirelesss, reading magazines and newspapers, watching telecastings and other beginnings of information that may be availed to us. Research besides helps people to understand what is go oning in the society or what is go oning to a company and whether it affects the populace or non ( Heppner et al, 1999 ) . Further when asking about something, for case a school or a certain university, these activities require some kind of research in one manner or another. Some research workers argue that, by simp ly watching or detecting what is traveling on in the society is in itself research work- a procedure where we collect information or informations so as to move on the same. Research is a signifier of inquiring inquiries in a certain country in order to garner the needed information and information which is subsequently analyzed and eventually one gets consequences which are used to do appropriate decisions and recommendations. This paper will concentrate on research methodological analysiss and statistics and the manner the two are utile in research work. Since research involves assorted methods and attacks it is of import for a research worker to take the most appropriate research methods and statistical trials that will assist him/her in carry throughing what they want. Therefore, this paper will discourse the assorted methods used in informations aggregation and sampling of the same information. In the treatment disadvantages and advantages of these research methods will be discussed. Finally, the paper will analyse two instance surveies that have been put frontward. For one to come up with accurate consequences and do prudent decisions and recommendations it is of import for the research worker to utilize the most appropriate research methodological analysis for the research. For a good research to be accomplished the undermentioned research attacks are used: Correlation survey is used to look into the relation of two different variables and to mensurate their association between each other. When making this survey the individual who is carry oning the survey examines the already bing variables and cheques how they are related to one another. Correlation is done in order to find and do anticipations about certain variables which are based on what is known on the other variables ( Creswell, 1998 ) . It is of import to observe that in a correlativity survey the research worker steps already bing conditions which are known. For case, if we take the correlativity between the educated people and their income we are able to reason that people who are most educated earn better and higher wages. Research workers are able to foretell on variables if there is a correlativity between two variables. This is so because if one is able to cognize the figure of twelvemonth one has been in instruction the research worker is able to foretell the wage or in come. There are two different types of correlativity in the research survey and they are negative and positive correlativities. The ulterior type of correlativity involves increase of both variables, like wise if the variables are diminishing both of them must make the same ( LaFountain A ; Bartos, 2002 ) . For case the illustration which was used earlier is a positive type of correlativity because for the income to increase the figure of old ages inn instruction must be increased. In negative correlativity, when the values of one point or variable lessenings the other variable additions. An illustration of negative correlativity is where a pupil spends more clip watching telecasting the classs go down. To add to that, in correlativity survey different types of measuring are used for illustration ordinal graduated table, nominal graduated table and ratio measuring. For case while making a nominal measuring persons use labels. Nominal graduated table offer labels and names for specific features. Advantage Research workers are able to do anticipations on things if their correlativities are known unlike in insouciant comparative survey ( LaFountain A ; Bartos, 2002 ) . Disadvantage Correlation is hard to retrieve since cause is non measured. Research workers are non able to cognize what caused the other thing to go on even though they are related ( LaFountain A ; Bartos, 2002 ) . Causal-comparative survey This type of research involves the description of already bing scenarios and conditions. In this survey the research worker tries to find the ground or the cause the differences that are in being between two or more different persons or groups ( Rosenthal A ; Rosnow, 199 ) . Such a survey is called a descriptive survey since the events which are involved have already occurred and the survey must be conducted in retrospect. The attack of this survey involves analysing the consequence of the job and so finding the cause of the job or of that consequence. Therefore, the attack of insouciant comparative survey begins with the cause of the consequence and so investigates the effects of that cause on some variables that are involved in the survey. This type of survey is normally used in research establishments for educational intents ( Gay et al, 2008 ) . This type of survey involves comparing of variables instead than indentifying the relationship between the variables as is in the insta nce of correlativity survey therefore doing it more desirable for research. Normally in this type of survey persons are non involved in the allotment of interventions, this is because they are merely involved as a group but non as persons. In this survey merely groups are involved which may be one or more groups but assigned to one independent variable that can non be manipulated but can be improved ( Brown, 1998 ) . The survey ensures that the pick of groups is different from the independent variable which is assigned to the groups therefore doing it non to be manipulated. For case one can non pull strings gender or age of the participants. Advantages The variables in that are involved in the survey can non be manipulated ; hence doing it desirable, this is different from other types of surveies for illustration the colour survey. The survey tries to foreground the cause of the consequence hence doing it easier for the execution squad to work out it more easy ( Rosenthal A ; Rosnow, 199 ) . Disadvantage Compared to other types of surveies e.g. quasi experimental survey, it does non supply an existent or accurate informations to the research worker ( Rosenthal A ; Rosnow, 199 ) . Quasi-experimental survey Quasi experimental design involves some experiments or surveies which are done, where the research worker has no or small control over the distribution or allocation of the interventions and other factors which are being studied. In this manner of survey there are no random assignments being picked ( Lachin, 1988 ) . This type of survey has its alone characteristics since it uses the analysis of clip series: there is interrupted clip series and the uninterrupted clip series. When one is carry oning this type of survey one has indentified or highlighted the variables that are to be used ( Creswell, 2008 ) . In the pick of the variables the quasi variable must be manipulated so s to hold an consequence on the dependant variable which is usually a group variable with degrees that are different. Grouping of variables signifies that there are two or more such groups as intervention and placebo group which is besides known as the control groups ( Harrison, 2004 ) . The ulterior group is ch iefly used in medical state of affairss or psychological experiments and surveies. Once these state of affairss have been identified so the predicted consequence or result becomes the dependent variable. If the research worker is utilizing the clip analysis so the result which is the dependent variable is observed over a certain period in order to look into whether there may be any alterations that may come up. Advantages This type of design is easier and simple to put up. This characteristic makes the quasi experimental survey to be used where randomisation is impractical compared to other types of survey methods which are complicated ( Creswell, 2008 ) . While utilizing this type of survey, menaces are minimized which may happen to external cogency. This is because the experiments are natural and natural conditions do non hold same crisis of artificiality. Disadvantages Since the experiments can be manipulated, these uses can take to serious fortunes ; this is different in insouciant comparative survey where variables are non manipulated ( Creswell, 2008 ) . Quasi experiments have a lack in randomisation which is different from the remainder of the surveies, therefore makes it hard to make away with confusing variables therefore conveying up new jobs such as internal cogency. Experimental survey This is a type of survey where research workers are involved in some kind of hypothesis and viing methods. An experimental survey is done to either bing theories which are to be proved incorrect or right or the usage of hypothesis. This type of survey involves many methods which are used in work outing a certain job. An experimental survey involves two characteristics that are control and natural experiments. In a controlled experiment usually shows the consequence of a certain intervention on a topic and its effects ( Harrison, 2004 ) . Research workers who use this type of survey usually compare the out comes which have been revealed from the experimental sample against a sample which is controlled. On the other manus natural experiments are ever observation surveies where the interventions are randomly assigned to topics. This means that the assignment of intervention to topics has non been randomized and is really non done by experimenters. Advantage Compared to the insouciant comparative survey most of the consequences are accurate ( Harrison, 2004 ) . Disadvantage This type of survey consume allot of clip and resources when compared to other types of survey methods for case the correlativity survey ( Harrison, 2004 ) . Sampling Methods Research workers use different trying methods in order to come up with prudent consequences for their work, these methods are as discussed below. Random trying This is a type of trying where an interviewer does non follow specific regulations or lists on where to take samples or which people to interview. In this method there is no list of people to be sampled or to be interviewed. Furthermore, in random trying each interviewee has equal opportunities to be chosen as compared to the others. For illustration in a school of 100 pupils, one might set all their names in a pail in order to take among them who will travel for a trip. This means that every 1 has a opportunity to be chosen for the same trip. In this instance the interviewer merely takes some instructions or some simple random instructions for case interview merely the families on the right side of the route or sample merely houses on the Lashkar-e-Taiba manus side of the route. Compared to the other trying methods, people can non form themselves in order to pull strings the procedure since the interviews are non done at preset topographic points or times ( Stringer, 1999 ) . Anothe r advantage which is critical is that if the participants are involved the procedure becomes really representative. On the other manus, this procedure has a really large demerit since it can take to biasness e.g. some interviewers could disregard some streets since they are non obligated to affect them. Stratified sampling This method of trying usually subdivides populations into subgroups which are dependent on the feature of each group or bomber group. In order to give each group a proper representation or interviews random sampling is done ( Stringer, 1999 ) . The advantage of utilizing this manner of sampling is that it ensures that certain groups or specific 1s are good represented through the choice of sample members from the strata list. Compared to other trying methods such as random sampling, this method is complex and requires a greater work force and more attempts than the other trying methods such as random trying method ( Troxel, 2002 ) . Bunch trying Cluster method of trying involves the choice of different types of bunch and single members and families are interviewed. If the geographical countries of trying are big the cost of trying becomes large and consumes more clip that being one of the chief disadvantages. Cluster trying involves geographical countries such as markets and small towns, but other groups are besides clustered e.g. micro finance groups ( Hart, 2003 ) . By utilizing this type of trying method research workers are able to choose groups or persons indiscriminately with out a individual list. But this method has its disadvantage since bunchs must be tantamount but in some fortunes the natural 1s are may non. External and Internal cogency of the survey Before specifying the words internal and external cogency, it is of kernel to take note of the word cogency itself. We might fundamentally province that cogency is determined when one chooses the suited sample or pull a valid sample. Proportions are the lone things which can be said to be valid, but step, designs and samples do non hold cogency. It is of import to observe that step enables research workers to hold valid and appropriate decisions and consequences or else we can state that a sample leads to valid illations. External cogency is the truth of the informations and the decisions which are drawn from the information which has been forwarded that represent what is delivered to the remainder of the population. For case if there is prejudice on the teachers-trainee in some manner or the other so the out semen which is received from the samples may non be valid to the larger population. On the other manus internal cogency refers to the truth of the informations and decisions which are drawn from the information or information that represent the world of what happened ( Hart, 2003 ) . Peoples conclude that by utilizing the WWW site is correlated to knowledge, but we can non fundamentally province that cognition is straight relative to the usage of WWW site. The two issues for illustration could be basically caused by the same factors. For case one can reason that wealthier pupils who have the entree of cyberspace services would make good on the nonsubjective scrutinies or trials compared to the ot her pupils. Therefore if one claims that the plans or interventions caused the consequences or results n the surveies, it is of import to see internal cogency of the insouciant claim. Decision In decision, research workers should the most appropriate research methods in order to hold a positive out put or consequence. It is besides of import for research workers to analyze these research methods to understand them more so that they can hold a smooth clip when making their research work. If research work is done providentially research workers are able to work out assorted issues impacting the society and they are besides able to foretell the consequences of some phenomena ( Brewerton A ; Millward, 2001 ) . Finally research is really helpful in educational establishments since pupils are able to turn out their endowments. Statisticss An independent variable usually is the variable which represents the value that is being manipulated or distorted, while a dependent variable is the consequence or result of an independent variable that is being manipulated. Case survey I An independent variable can be defined as the portion of a phenomenon which exists and besides originates inducement from a dependent variable. In general illustrations include age, weight and size. In this instance integrating class is the independent variable because this is the characteristic which is being manipulated while the dependent variable is the attitude of the pupils towards instruction because it is dependent on the class. The dependent variable in this instance is measured by usage of a graduated table which is rated up to 12 while the independent variable has been classified as a individual entity i.e. class ( Maxwell, 2005 ) . In this instance the average standard divergence should be used since there is merely one group described and the type of informations is from Gaussian population. Case survey II Reliable variable can be defined as a variable that gets the inducement and calculated for the consequences it causes on the survey. In this instance public presentation of the pupils will be considered as the dependant variable while money and nutrient is considered as the independent variable. The step of the dependant variable is the figure of pupils who were being evaluated for the trial. Mugwump variables have been classified in footings of groups. The Pearson correlativity trial should be used in this instance since the research worker is measuring two or more variables ( Scarr, 2009 ) . Case survey III Amplitude trial can be considered to be the independent variable in this instance survey. On the other manus accomplishment of the pupils in the introductory mathematics can be considered as the dependant variable. This is because if the pupils pass their trials the instructor will cognize that they have achieved something in introductory mathematics. The independent variable is measured by the tonss the pupils get in the trial while the dependent variable is measured by figure of pupils who achieve the needed tonss. This survey should utilize the average criterion divergence because there is merely one group involved ( Williams, 2001 ) . Decision In drumhead, statistical analysis is really critical in any research work being conducted. This is because with the informations collected being analyzed, research workers are able to come up with proper decisions and recommendations. Therefore, it is of import for all research workers to take the most appropriate statistical trials for each and different instance ( Marshall A ; Rossman, 1999 ) . For illustration in the 3rd instance that was studied earlier it was prudent to take the standard mean divergence since there was merely one group of variable involved.